Distributiestraat 73
4283 JN Giessen
The Netherlands

phone +31-(0)183-445050
mail info@mctec.nl


The PFI mill is used for beating laboratory-scale pulp samples. Correct beating is the first important step in preparation of hand sheets of the required quality. The core of the PFI mill are the inner toothed beater unit with its 33 blades and an outer smooth beater housing. The beater unit and housing rotate in the same direction at different peripheral speeds.

A beating force of exactly 3.33 N/mm ensures that the pulp is beaten under standardized conditions.


  • High precision of the revolution speed of the beating elements by frequency converter
  • Sturdy and lasting construction with a stainless steel frame
  • All materials used are corrosion resistant
  • Improved safety level by two-hand operation
  • Automated stop function, the roll return automatically to a central position
  • Cleaning opening at the bottom of the beater housing for easy rinsing and cleaning
  • Always the same beating fore because of weight load: no influence of air pressure fluctuation
  • No rotating components accessible
  • Easy handling and ergonomic design
  • 5-30g pulp in concentration 5-50% up to max. 450ml suspension
  • Distance screw for adjustable grinding gap
  • Fully automated and controlled process by well layed-out display commands and automated sequences
  • High rotation precision by use of frequency controlled drives
  • Highest safety standard by two hand operation mode
  • Protection against setting wrong parameters because only numbers of rotation are on demand
  • No rotational components are accessible

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