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Spectrometer – Nuclide Indentifier AT6102

Portable multifunctional radiation monitoring devices, primarily designed for search and detection of gamma radiation sources with automatic identification of radionuclide composition. Can be used for area and land radiation monitoring with data GPS-referencing. АТ6102 model can detect neutron radiation and measure neutron count rate.


Gamma radiation detectors
Scintillation, NaI(Tl), Ø40×40 mm
Geiger-Mueller counter tube
Scintillation, NaI(Tl) Ø40×80 mm
Geiger-Mueller counter tube
Neutron radiation detector
Two 3He-proportional neutron counters
Energy range
– gamma radiation
– neutron radiation
20 keV – 3 MeV
0.025 eV – 14 MeV (АТ6102)
Detectable activity of 137Cs source, located at the distance of 20 cm in a time not longer than 2 s
(50±10) kBq
Detectable activity of 252Сf source, located at the distance of 20 cm in a time not longer than 5 s
1.8·104 neutron/s
(Probability of detection is 0.9)
Typical resolution at 662 keV (137Cs)
7.5% (АТ6102,А)
8% (АТ6102В)
Measurement range of ambient dose equivalent rate
30 nSv/h – 100 mSv/h
Typical sensitivity to 137Cs gamma radiation
850 cps/(µSv·h-1(АТ6102,А)
1700 cps/(µSv·h-1(АТ6102В)
Overall dimensions, weight
230х115х212 mm, 2.5 kg (АТ6102)
230х115х177 mm, 1.9 kg (АТ6102А)
230х115х177 mm, 2.15 kg (АТ6102В)

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