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SmartChem 210 Wet Chemistry Analyzer

De AMS Alliance SmartChem® 210 is een volledig geautomatiseerde, natte chemie direct af te lezen, discrete analyser voor fotometrische analyse. Dit benchtop instrument biedt een verwerkingscapaciteit tot 210 testen per uur met optionele nitraat monstervoorbereidingsmodules. Er kunnen maximaal 60 monsters, controles en kalibratoren en maximaal 32 verschillende reagentia worden geladen.

Samen met het intuïtieve en eenvoudig te leren softwareplatform biedt de SmartChem® 210 volledige flexibiliteit en kracht om de productiviteit in uw laboratorium te verhogen.

In combinatie met de optionele barcodelezers voor monsters en reagentia en de kant-en-klare reagentia, wordt de bediening van het instrument vereenvoudigd en is het alleen nodig om de werkroutine van het instrument te programmeren.


SmartChem® 210 Analyzer Specifications

Dimensions Height x Width x Length: 50 x 70 x 105 cm (19.7 x 27.6 x 41.3 in.)
Weight 48 kg (106 lbs)
Power 350 Watts
Assay Type End Point, Kinetic, Differential, Bi Chromatic Assays, Fully Programmable
On-Board Reagents Up to 32 Reagents Can be Loaded Into the Compartment and Distributed on 4 Removable Racks with 8 Positions (50 ml containers) Each
Sample Loading 4 x 15 Position Removable Racks (10 ml tubes)
Urgent Sample Analysis Allowed at Any Time
Throughput Up to 210 Tests/Hour
Reading System Direct Photometry
Photometer: Multi-Wavelength Optics, Double Beam
Wavelength: 12 Wavelengths Available with 9 on Board
Source: Halogen Lamp 6V/10W
Optical Path: 10 mm
Linear Range: 0.001 – 2.500 Abs
Resolution: 0.0001 Abs
Minimum Reaction Volume 300 μl
Sampling System One Mechanic Arm Provides All Sampling Operation with:
Capacitive Liquid Level Sensing
Reagent Pre-Warming at 37°C (98.6°F)
Automatic Probe Washing
Sample Pre-Dilution
Sample Rerun With or Without Dilution
Dilutor Automatic Dilution in Pre- and Post-Dilution
Reaction Plate Holds 60 Cuvettes that Perform the Following Operations:
Automatic Cuvette Washing
Incubation Temperature Control 37°C (98.6°F) +/- 0.3
Continuous Monitoring of Cuvette Quality
Separate Waste Lines to Minimize Hazard Disposal Management
Use of Washable Cuvettes (Green Technology)
Available Configurations Analytical Module: NO3
Barcode Reader: Samples, Reagents
Complementary Products Ready-to-Use Reagents

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